Riedl Phasys

German Tech, Italian Style
The automation revolution: speed, reliability, accuracy and a tailor-made design for your pharmacy.
RIEDL Phasys is the system for the automated distribution of drugs in pharmacies. It is the result of a partnership between a group of German engineers who have been working in the pharmacy automation sector for over twenty years and the GPI Group, which has been designing and developing IT solutions and services for health and social care in Italy and abroad for over thirty years.
RIEDL Phasys robotic systems use Wireless technology.
RIEDL Phasys uses less than half a kw/h and does not require the adaptation of the electrical system.
The RIEDL Phasys gripper moves within the system at a speed of 5 meters per second.
Each RIEDL Phasys is built according to the needs of each customer.

I Shape

External I Shape

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U Shape